Bedscape Designs
Art Quilts For Beds and Walls


(posted on 7 Jan 2010)

This past month I have had some interesting quilting challenges.

I repaired a quilt that had been damaged by a moldy banana. I couldn't find the right kinds a plaids, but I found the right colors in polka dots and the patches look great.

I also finished a quilt that was lost and then found eleven years after the top was made. The baby it was made for is now eleven. I hope the big girl likes it!

And finally I was handed a crazy old quilt in tatters. The backing was destroyed. The batting was made from upholstry and was moldy and the top was made from different kinds of pants and sweaters. Some were in shreds. I went to the fabric store, my stash and my old clothes pile and matched the torn peices with cordouroy and shirt material and found a back material with the a similar striped purple color scheme. Then came the test - could my machine handle the bumps and lumps? Almost! I began quilting without a specific theme in mind and as I progressed I began to see a tidal pool theme - shells, seaweed, and bubbles. I wanted my quilting to lock down the old stitching so I also was going around the funky shapes. And where I couldn't quilt into the corners because the cloth was too thick, I hand sewed.

These three projects made me feel great because I was saving and completing someone'shard work and the quilts can continue to be family treasures. Thank you!